who pays alimony florida

What Factors Determine Who is the Recipient of Alimony Payments in Florida

Alimony is court ordered spousal support.  Spousal support may be ordered by the Court, either during the pendency of the divorce or after the divorce, as the result of a final hearing.  Find out more about our family lawyers Orlando who can help Temporary Alimony Available in Florida Court ordered spousal support during the divorce …

How Do I Modify Child Support in Florida ?

After child support has been established, the amount can only be modified after a showing of a substantial change in circumstances. There are several ways to show a substantial change in circumstances. Number of children. Older court orders in cases with more than one child may not contain an automatic “step-down” provision to change child …

Who Pays Attorney’s Fees in a Florida Divorce Case

There is no specific formula or method of calculating who pays for the cost of a divorce in Florida. Generally speaking, the Courts attempt to level the playing field when asked to award temporary suit fees or award attorneys fees at the conclusion of the case. For example if one spouse is the sole breadwinner …

How to Find a Good Divorce Attorney

Finding the right Orlando divorce attorney for you and your situation is crucial. This guide can help you get started in the right direction. 1. Ask People who you know have been through a Divorce. There is no substitute for a referral from someone you know. Make sure you talk to people who have been …


Dear Clients: As the situation concerning public health and safety relating to Corona Virus (COVID-19) unfolds the courts in Orange and Osceola Counties recognizing that the Governor of Florida has declared a state of emergency, and the Surgeon General and State Health Officer have declared a public health emergency exists, Chief Judge of the Ninth …


Dear Clients: We are experiencing an unprecedented situation with the ongoing Corona Virus pandemic. As soon as we form a plan, new information is released causing necessary change to be implemented. Although the landscape remains fluid, we want to assure you that we are working hard to keep channels of communication open to you. We …

Parenting Plans: What is a Parenting Plan and why do I need one?

In Divorce cases involving minor children the most important matter for the Court to address is parenting. The Court has a duty to protect the well-being of the child and employs the “best-interests” of the child standard in making decisions regarding children. In 2008, the Florida Legislature updated the Florida Statutes, Chapter61.13 creating a “Parenting …

DIVORCE WITH MINOR CHILDREN – Orange and Osceola County’s Standing Temporary Administrative Order on Divorce with minor Children

The breakup of a marriage is a stressful time and causes people to often react emotionally; allowing fear and anger to cloud judgment and otherwise behave uncharacteristically. Family Law Attorneys should always strive to fully educate their clients on the law and represent them zealously; and attorneys should always consider the client’s best interests and …

Divorce Can Literally Make You Sick – 5 Strategies to Help Divorcing Clients Maintain Perspective and Health

According to “Marital Biography and Health at Midlife” the end of a marriage by divorce exacts an immediate toll on mental and physical health, although the effects might depend on gender, age, and the quality of the marriage. Divorce for some can traumatically injure the mind, body and immune system leading to depression, anxiety and …

DIVORCE LAW BASICS – What to Expect & Questions to Ask

The very idea of divorce is emotionally draining. Take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone. If you are considering divorce, talking to an experienced divorce attorney is a good way to get a handle on the situation and learn how Florida divorce laws apply to your family dynamic. Substantive divorce law applies …

Legislative Update – April 9, 2019

     New legislation that could bring sweeping changes to family law cases in Florida has been introduced in the form of Senate Bill 1596. This bill, if passed, would eliminate permanent alimony. The bill would also change the definition of a long-term marriage and put a cap on alimony awards. This bill could greatly …

Florida Alimony Bill is Officially Dead for 2017

The Florida Senate has officially declared SB 412 relating to alimony “Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration.” The Bill would have provided guideline ranges for setting alimony, while still giving judges some discretion in awarding alimony in long term marriages. The Bill died in committee. The proposed Bill may have made it easier to negotiate …

Collaborative Law – An Alternative to Conflict Driven Divorce Litigation

Collaborative Law rules for Florida family law cases are being considered by the Florida Supreme Court.  Collaborative Law offers a new alternative to the traditional adversarial court process. The American court system is based on conflict. Our rules and procedures are designed to facilitate an orderly, controllable fight.  This adversarial process, focuses on a winner and …


A Fresh Start

Closing out another year as a family lawyer. This year we celebrate 26 in practice and it has been an amazing journey. I feel so truly blessed to be able to help kids, families and parents get a fresh start in their lives. Our clients usually come to us with a heart wrenching crisis. They …

Alimony Change Likely

Drastic Changes to Florida Alimony Again a Real Possibility February 19, 2015 Silvia R. Sanders Two years ago, the legislature overwhelmingly passed a drastic alimony overhaul bill. This bill was the product of special interest groups only on the side of “alimony reform”, and many thought the bill went too far. One of the most …

Divorce in Florida – Infographic

Divorce Laws and Statistics in the State of Florida Florida has the 8th highest divorce rate in the country at 4.3 divorces per 1000 people in the year 2010. The national divorce rate for the same year stands at 3.6 percent. This infographic identifies additional divorce statistics for Florida as well as some legal numbers …

The Standard for a Change in Time Sharing in Florida

In an original determination of time sharing, the main factor the court considers is the best interest of the child. There can be no presumption for or against either parent, or a particular time sharing schedule. Once the initial determination has been made, however, the standard changes considerably. To change a time sharing schedule, a …